Life is like a Marathon

Life is like a marathon,
A moving, running race.
You don’t get to choose the distance,
But you can choose your running pace.

It takes a lot of practice,
To find your running style.
It teaches you endurance,
When you go that extra mile.

There’ll be times of long, flat roads ahead,
And many an uphill climb.
You’ll need a lot of stamina,
To keep your breathe in time.

There’s a special gift in running,
That is hard to fully explain.
It teaches you to never quit,
Even when you’re feeling pain.

Running well brings a great feeling,
That very few experience.
For running is not in the actual winning,
But about bringing your life obedience.

Your race needs a strict focus,
For there are many distractions ahead.
Your spiritual muscles need building,
For there are challenging paths to tread.

There’s a higher power that offers help,
To those that grow slow and weary.
God boosts us with the energy we need,
And keeps our lives more steady.

You must keep your body hydrated,
With the water of God’s living word.
For in it you’ll find a fountain of joy,
That’ll keep you pressing forward.

You’ll need the right kind of nourishment,
To help keep your energy at peak.
For if you don’t, you’ll end up sluggish,
And will miss out on the thrill you seek.

So sweat out all your offences,
Wipe them off your hardened flesh.
Forgive those who cut you off,
So you can run your race afresh.

Wear your number upon your sleeve,
As a sign of your life’s banner,
Be sure to always walk the talk.
And run in a Christian manner.
It’s not about who comes first,
Or what medals there are to win.
But how you’ve run your total race,
And if you did it without much sin.

Family and friends run with us,
To cheer us along the way.
To give us hope when we hit that wall,
And to encourage us to pray.

For the medal waiting at the finish line,
Is worth more than silver or gold.
There’s a reward for not quitting the race,
Whether you reach it young or old.

So hold out to the end of the race,
Taking a step further each time.
Don’t allow anything to slow you down,
For God waits for you at the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Samantha! Your poems are so apt and so beautiful. You say you're not a runner but you hit it on the nail. Life is like a marathon, absolutely and the good Lord is waiting at the finish :-) Love it!!
