There is a kind of magic in the indulgence of tasty morsels of good food,
That has the power to make you feel good and lift any dark, defeated mood.
Whether it’s a pie, mac & cheese or a satisfying beef stew, to name but a few,
It can bring pure comfort to your soul, when you’re feeling sad or blue.
The recipe for grief is often found at the end of a bowl or a plate,
When anger at death or loss eats you up and fills you with hate.
There’s a crunchy, creamy, smooth, sweet or salty bite,
That can dissolve your grief and calm your inner warring fight.
But comfort eating, when done too often, can become a habit,
Leaving you with your favourite clothes that no longer will fit.
And the comfort that food brings you, won’t sustain you for long,
It only fills your stomach, but it cannot make your heart strong.
Instead of turning to food, there’s a better source of comfort,
That can remove your every hurt and pain, with very little effort.
He is your Heavenly Father, whose arms are calling, open wide,
He waits for you to come to Him, so He can heal you from inside.
For His comfort brings peace and joy that cannot be gotten from food,
His abounding love and faithfulness will make your heart feel good.
So lay down your knife, your fork and spoon, with all your heavy burdens,
And open up your heart, your mind and soul to be healed of all your demons.