Christmas Calories don't Count

For WCWC homework theme for Nov/Dec 2024 was 'Cheating'.

Christmas calories don’t count,
You’re allowed a bit of cheating.
You’re forgiven an indulgent amount,
As long as you enjoy what you’re eating!
For Christmas comes but once a year,
A time for special treats and feasting.
You can relish those foods you hold dear,
And not feel guilty that you’re cheating.
A Christmas without pudding or cake,
Would be missing something special.
So give up your diet for Christmas’s sake,
And ditch your measly eating schedule.
There’s no shame in an extra helping,
When you’re feasting with family or friend.
Savour every morsel that’s worth gulping,
And enjoy every dish they recommend. 
The only condition is not to eat too fast,
But to chew slowly and swallow each bite.
Relish the flavour to make the taste last,
And make sure your pants aren’t too tight.
So let’s feast on our favourites and enjoy,
You can do a little cheating, without the guilt.
There’s no shame in a little diet destroy,
For calories don't count when joys being built.

The Gift of the Butterfly

Each new day is a new beginning,
To awake, to breathe, to start afresh.
The sunrise smiles its rays hello,
As we stretch the muscles of our flesh.

Each new day has a reset button,
To cancel out the sadness of our past.
It reminds us that there is still a future,
Where our hidden hurts don’t last.

Each new day is a powerful reminder,
That there are more moments to follow.
Where we get to choose how they’ll unfold,
To have a brighter and happier tomorrow.

Each new day is a positive gift to unwrap,
Like a butterfly awakened from its cocoon,
Where the death of a day births a new one,
That shines bright in the dark like the moon.

Severed Heart

How can I go on with you gone?
It feels like my life is on pause.
I’ve relied on you for so long,
And got used to all your flaws.

How can my life move forward?
With you now gone from my side.
Being alone feels oh, so awkward,
I can’t stop crying since you died.

How do I face my future all alone?
Who will support and love me again?
I’ve been smelling your lovely cologne,
Just to feel your presence remain.

How can I carry on living without you?
When our lives became one for so long.
I feel like a Siamese twin, one of two,
Alone and feeling like I don't belong.

How do I start this new beginning?
Who will help to guide my way?
If I always wear our wedding ring,
Will you also hear me when I pray?

Like a Bird

Like a bird, you kicked me out the nest,
To see what new adventure brings.
You urged me to spread my wings,
I did, leaving you all alone,
Eager to fly high and roam.

I landed far, across the globe,
I wish now I hadn’t flown so far.
Where we could no longer visit by car,
I wish you hadn’t made me leave,
For now, I wouldn’t have to grieve.

Your death has caught me unprepared,
I wish I had chosen to come home.
Yet, how could we ever have known,
Your time on earth would be cut short.
But glad I was at your side, as you fought.

I wish I had called you more often,
Or came for your birthdays at least,
To arrange for you a fitting feast.
I wish we had taken more photos,
To remember the times we shared.
Or showed you how much I cared.

Like an eagle, you waited with hope,
You’ve earned your wings to soar,
To where pain and weariness are no more.
Now, It is your time to fly high,
To a new life beyond this bright, blue sky.
I am so grateful I got to say goodbye,
And know I’ll see you again when I die.


Time is a gift, a currency to be invested,
Not something to be wasted or detested.
There is a time and a season for everything,
Be excited for what each new day will bring.
There is a time to enjoy, to have some fun,
And a time to be serious, to get things done.
Always be ready, for the time will soon pass,
Running out like fine sand in an hourglass.
There is a time to wait for, a season in due time,
But stay productive while you’re still in your prime.
Number each day, counting each as your last,
For time passes like a blink and is gone so fast.
Be mindful of how you spend your time,
For being idle and wasting it is a sinful crime.
Value each moment, before they become a memory,
Consider time with loved ones as each day’s luxury.
Time spent with others is not measured by quantity,
For the value you place determines its quality.
There is an appointed time to fulfil your life’s purpose,
Live a life that matters, whether at home or in an office.
Each second you unwrap in every hour is special,
Not just for chores to be ticked off your schedule.
Your past time is over, your future is still to follow,
Your present time’s a gift, stop worrying about tomorrow.
Stop killing time, buying time or just passing time,
Instead start finding more time and making time,
Take time to breathe, and not wish or stress it away,
Prioritise with an eternal, heavenly focus each day.
Stop being distracted or only attentive to your flesh,
Treat each new day with excitement that’s fresh.
Spend your time wisely, investing it well.
For your time draws near to bid your life farewell.

Hope is the Cure

I wish I’d said the sky was still blue
Even though you saw only clouds
To show you all life’s bright colours
That would’ve washed out your doubts

I wish I’d shared every rainbow
Every promise of anchored hope
Then maybe you would’ve endured
And found a better way to cope

I wish I’d shared a positive thought
For every negative thought you spewed
That would have cancelled them out
And not let your anger be chewed

I know if I had shared more hope
Then things could’ve been different
You wouldn’t have lost your will
If only I’d not been so ignorant

I wish I had known the poison within
That bound you captive and sad
If only you had seen life’s hope
Life wouldn’t have seemed so bad

For hope is the cure that you need
That gives you the strength to fly
No matter how rotten life can get
Hope helps us not to quit or cry

Heaven Untold

I wish I had told you about heaven
I pray that is where you’re at
But if you’re in the flames of hell
I can only blame myself for that

I wish I could have been braver
And not worried what you thought
For you do not only live once
That’s what I should have taught

I wish I had shared the good news
Of a heavenly home up above
A place so much better than earth
Instead, I only shared my love

I wish I had explained to you
The very purpose of your life
To know that death is not the end
There’s a reward for all your strife

I wish I’d said all these things
But sadly, it’s now too late
For you are gone - deceased
Who knows your ended fate…