Prayer for my Thoughts

Lord, please help me to control my mind,

Let my thoughts be only good and kind.
Do my prayers show a faith that’s strong?
Forgive me when I have prayed wrong.

Help me take captive every worry and fear,
To remember that you are always near.
Let me never get to the point of no hope,
Give me the endurance and strength to cope.
Help me be mindful of my every thought,
So I’ll think only of the things that I ought.
Show me which thoughts really do matter.
And which ones are lies from the accuser.

Help me to recognize any wrong filters,
That corrupts every thought that enters.
Reveal the purpose in my circumstance,
So my thoughts will have a good response.

Help me to think of only what is pure and true,
As I choose to surrender and put my trust in you.
Teach me not to bend with the world to conform,
Like a caterpillar to a butterfly, let me transform.

Lord, I surrender every thought to your control,
Help me tear down the lies that corrupt my soul.
I will reject thoughts that distract or discourage.  
I look forward to being transformed into your image.

Broken Glass

Are you broken and shattered like glass?
Is the smile on your face a big farce?
Can others see your damaged cracks,
That opens the door to Satan’s attacks?

Do you have sharp, chipped pieces,
That cut others deep with your offenses?
Is your life splintered and fractured,
In need of your broken bits plastered?

You could go to God for His healing glue,
To stick you back together, like new.
But God’s ways are so different to ours,
To try understand them will take us hours.

God uses our cracked, broken bits,
For it’s in there that His Glory fits.
He shines through our cracks to others,
With His glorious, bright shining colours.

So, don’t hide or discard your brokenness,
For God wants to fill up your emptiness.
Others won’t see where you are cracked,
They’ll see only a life, beautifully intact.

So let God use your shattered life,
Cracked and broken by hurts and strife.
To shine and be used by God’s grace,
Sharing the healing love of His embrace.