Do you Get it?



Do you get it? Do you have it? Do you understand it?
Do you know the it you’re meant to get?
Do you get what Jesus died to give you?
That He paid the price for your debt
Do you get the power in His name?
Have you experienced His deliverance power?
Do you understand the reason for His fame?
Have you discovered the refuge in His tower?
Do you intimately know who Jesus really is,
Your Heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit?
Are you living in the joy of your inheritance?
Are you enjoying His blessings that are immediate?
So what are you prepared to give up or risk to get it?
You’ve got to get through stuff, before you can get it
Get through your past, your pride, your shame, your mess
Then believe and receive and don’t settle for nothing less
Drive out, kick out and yell for things to get out, and then slam that door!
You have to be emptied, so you will have the space to receive more
Then wake up, get up, arise and discover you weren’t dead, just sleeping
For there are more important things in life that’s worth keeping
You will only be able to give it to others, once you have got it
So I ask you, have you got it yet?

Life Changers Church - 'Who is this man?' by Gabe Philips

Full sermon - 'Get it' by Gabe Philips