Christmas Calories don't Count

For WCWC homework theme for Nov/Dec 2024 was 'Cheating'.

Christmas calories don’t count,
You’re allowed a bit of cheating.
You’re forgiven an indulgent amount,
As long as you enjoy what you’re eating!
For Christmas comes but once a year,
A time for special treats and feasting.
You can relish those foods you hold dear,
And not feel guilty that you’re cheating.
A Christmas without pudding or cake,
Would be missing something special.
So give up your diet for Christmas’s sake,
And ditch your measly eating schedule.
There’s no shame in an extra helping,
When you’re feasting with family or friend.
Savour every morsel that’s worth gulping,
And enjoy every dish they recommend. 
The only condition is not to eat too fast,
But to chew slowly and swallow each bite.
Relish the flavour to make the taste last,
And make sure your pants aren’t too tight.
So let’s feast on our favourites and enjoy,
You can do a little cheating, without the guilt.
There’s no shame in a little diet destroy,
For calories don't count when joys being built.