Life is like a Vineyard

 Our lives are like a vineyard
We all grow fruitful like grapes
We need God’s full Son and Water
To make beautiful landscapes

Our diseased parts get healed
When we’re grafted to the true vine
It’s when our Spirits sap gets sealed
That helps us yield the best wine

Like grapes, we’re crushed and pressed
To bring out a better character
We can yield a bountiful harvest
That’s ready to pour and decanter

What kind of grape are you growing?
Are they sweet, smooth or full-bodied?
Or are they dry, bitter or sour to taste?
Were they ripened with patience or hurried?

Some grapes are grown to be wine
Whilst others are drunk or eaten as fruit
God knows which ones to dry for raisins
For it’s in Him that our branches take root

Are your fruits small or bountiful?
Do you have many seeds to offer?
When you are planted in the right soil
Your skin will ripen much softer

The fruits of our labor are juicier
When we grow clustered in a bunch
All kind of grapes can be delicious
When enjoyed together with lunch

We need training to grow upright
With supports that secure our roots
Our branches need watered and pruned
To yield the best kind of wine or fruit

Be sure to stay connected to the Vine
Drawing His strength to grow you best
Wait well, look up but hang low
As you wait on your eternal harvest


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment. So glad you enjoyed it! I give God all the glory for His divine inspiration.
