Life is like a Sentence

Life is a lot like a sentence,
Our name is our capital letter.
Others will get to read our lives,
So the life we write, does matter.

Life is not measured by its length,
But by the value of its content.
It’s not a sentence you are serving,
But was gifted to you as a present.

Our lives may end up long or short,
But they all have the same final end.
There may be commas in between,
When you come to each life’s bend.

Don’t see your commas as final,
For they’re just a time to pause,
A time to reflect and consider,
And to ponder on life’s because.

There is power after every comma,
When you’ve paused well and not quit.
How you write your life’s sentence,
Will be for your children’s benefit.

Live your life with righteous verbs,
Let your words be filled with truth.
Be honest in the words you write,
And share the mistakes of your youth.

Let your nouns always be concrete,
Experience life’s blessings to the fullest.
Don’t allow abstract nouns to restrict you,
From living the life you’ve been promised.

Some lives end with an exclamation,
For those whose lives left a mark.
The words that made their sentence,
Shone the light of Christ’s love in the dark.

Some lives end with a question mark,
Where we are left wondering why.
We may not understand God’s ways,
But He offers us comfort, when we cry.

Will your sentence leave a legacy?
Is your grammar moral and pure?
Let the Bible be your reference book,
To guide you, when you’re unsure.

Write out your life’s sentence in pencil,
But be sure to give God the pen.
For He knows what needs to be written,
To end your life with a pleasing Amen!

Water in the Wildnerness

Is your life dry and dusty from drought?

Are you thirsty and weary throughout?
Do you want to be watered and well?
Then drink deep from God’s Living well.

Don’t blame others for your dryness,
When you’re wandering in the wilderness.
Put a stop to all your feeble excuses,
That keep you from God’s presence.

The enemy is attracted to dry places,
He devours your dry, empty spaces.
Flood him out with God’s healing water,
For therein lies your wilderness answer.

God’s calling you to jump out of your boat,
Not just to walk on the water or float.
But to swim in deep and be fully submerged,
For it’s there that our dry places are purged.

Don’t let doubts and strongholds stop the flow,
Drink deep from God’s word, as you swallow.
His Spirit doesn’t fill us when we’re empty,
Only when we come, admitting we’re thirsty.

Drown your sorrows in His Living Waters,
Listen to God and not the enemy’s talkers.
Like a flood, the Lord’s grace washes us clean,
His Living water protects us, like a vaccine.

Drink of Jesus and you will never thirst,
Let His conquering love make your walls burst.
Open yourself to drink from His fountain,
Drink long, drink deep and drink often.

When you’re drowning in life’s storms,
Defeated by crashing waves that swarms,
Remember God is right there beside you,
It’s in deep waters that you find His rescue.

Let your Pool of Bethesda be well stirred,
By the healing waters of God’s Word.
Let His Spirit lead you beyond the water’s edge,
So He can clean you with His purifying dredge. 
God’s eternal waterfall holds great power.
Soak in it deep, under His anointing shower.
Refresh your spirit in His everlasting spring,
Come feel the quenching only God can bring.

Inspired by the sermon of Gabe Phillips – Life Changers Church, Milnerton, Cape Town, South Africa - 
 The Water and The Wilderness

Song to enjoy : Keith & Kristyn Getty - Living Waters - 

On my knees

 On my knees, I find God’s presence,
On my knees, my heart surrenders.
On my knees, my spirit fills with praise,
For its down here where my will obeys.

On my knees, I feel your loving touch,
On my knees, the pain doesn’t hurt as much.
On my knees, I am filled with your power.
As my heart opens to you, like a flower.

On my knees, my chains are unshackled.
On my knees, my prideful heart is humbled,
On my knees, my pleas and prayers are heard,
As my spirit soars high and my hope is stirred.

On my knees, is where the battle begins,
On my knees, is where I repent of my sins.
On my knees, I find your grace and mercy,
It’s where I run to in every emergency.

On my knees, I feel your forgiveness,
On my knees, my brokenness finds wholeness.
On my knees, is where I need to be,
For it’s down here that God sets me free.

Life is like Litter

 Life is a lot like litter,
We all carry trash from our past.
To avoid the stink of our pain,
We need to discard of it, and fast.

Communities are called to pick up,
Even the litter that’s not their own.
We all need the help of another,
For the job's too hard to do alone.

When we choose to hoard our trash,
And not dispose of our dirty litter.
It will attract the maggots of sin,
And turn our pained trash bitter.

God calls us to give him our trash,
To turn the ashes of them to beauty.
For only He can recycle our pain,
And forgive us when we’re guilty.

Give God our black bags of pain,
Nail them to His cross of freedom.
This will clean and lighten our load,
And give us joy to enter His Kingdom.