On my knees

 On my knees, I find God’s presence,
On my knees, my heart surrenders.
On my knees, my spirit fills with praise,
For its down here where my will obeys.

On my knees, I feel your loving touch,
On my knees, the pain doesn’t hurt as much.
On my knees, I am filled with your power.
As my heart opens to you, like a flower.

On my knees, my chains are unshackled.
On my knees, my prideful heart is humbled,
On my knees, my pleas and prayers are heard,
As my spirit soars high and my hope is stirred.

On my knees, is where the battle begins,
On my knees, is where I repent of my sins.
On my knees, I find your grace and mercy,
It’s where I run to in every emergency.

On my knees, I feel your forgiveness,
On my knees, my brokenness finds wholeness.
On my knees, is where I need to be,
For it’s down here that God sets me free.


  1. I surrender all on my knees. I am thankful to God who loves us and listens.

    1. Thank you for your comment Lisa. I always thought prayer was just talking to God and was doing it whenever it suited me, but after watching the movie 'I am Gabriel', and trying to pray instead on my knees, I have found something really powerful happens in my spirit and am loving it...
