Hope is like a Rope

Hope is like a strong rope to hold on tight to,

With all your strength and might.

Something to hang on to

When you feel hopeless or blue,

Hope is the cure for a future that’s unsure.

Hope is like the scarlet chord,

That hung from a window and saw a prostitute restored.

Our Hope is in the blood-stained rope of Christ,

That bound Him to the cross that sufficed.

To save us from eternal death

Finished and done in His final breath.

Hope is like a rope, that pulls you out of every pit,

Rescuing you when you’re tempted to quit.

It swings you to the other side,

Safe and securely tied.

Hope is like a three chorded knotted rope,

That can never be severed or fray and helps you to cope.

It offers you a refuge, a shelter from life’s storms,

It transforms your fears into peace,

And makes your strivings cease.

Hope is like a life rope to hang onto very tight,

It holds you stable and makes everything alright.

When you reach the end of your rope, Jesus will see you through,

So hang hope from your life, so you can help pull others up too.

Hope is your rope, so hold on tight with a steady grip,

For it is God’s life-saving weapon of worship.



  1. Loved your poem. Hope, It is what everyone in this world needs now.

    1. I am so pleased you enjoyed my poem. Yes, hope really is the cure for what this world needs... Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.

  2. Beautiful Sam
