Life is like a Pregnancy

Life is like a pregnancy
We all carry a dream to be birthed
When we carry it with great expectancy
We will realise its value and worth

Some dreams, out of fear, get aborted
Whilst others are born premature
We need others to feel supported
And to make us feel more secure

All dreams must go through a process
You may need to endure with much pain
For our dreams to be born with any success
We need to keep focused on the dream we'll gain

Most dreams are conceived out of passion
Whilst a few are handed down or forced 
Some dreams just need a longer gestation
Or a need for them to be kindly endorsed 

Some dreams you might sadly miscarry
When there a lack of a goal or a plan
For birthing a dream can feel quite scary 
Especially when others think you’re insane

Your dream may need a forceps birth
Or be cut out with the pain of a knife
But the reward of its delivery on earth  
Is the very purpose of living your life

Life's Disappointments

Have you discovered the purpose of pain,
Ever questioned the fairness of why
Life’s hardships can make us complain
And leave us disillusioned, empty and dry

Have you sought justification for your loss
With a need of understanding the reason
Have you felt the pain in carrying your cross
Left feeling alone and forsaken in prison 
Has your past stolen the peace of your present
Has your trust been betrayed and abused
Were you left feeling disappointed, depressed
With a heart all bitter and bruised

Have you been injured by the crashes and collisions of life
Is your heart scarred and raw from rejection
Is your life darkened and corroded from strife
With no room left in your heart for affection

When we live in the valley of regret and remorse
Refuse to lay down our regrets and offenses
We end up blocking our healing’s source
And are left with some sad consequences

There is a rainbow found after every storm
Where healing is found in the raining of tears
Learning to trust can help our heart transform
And peace is the reward for those who endures

What kind of a Christian are you?

What kind of Christian are you?
Do others know you're a believer?
Can they tell from the things you say and do,
Or are you just a Sunday deceiver?
When you are down and have lost your hope,
Is it God that you turn to first?
Is God your vice that helps you cope?
Does reading His word quench your thirst?
When you are rejoicing with good news,
Do you thank God for the blessing?
Or is your praise confined to church pews,
And only there do your sin confessing?
When you are angry and full of complaints,
Do you trust God and let it go?
Or do you burden others with your rants,
For it's at these times your faith will show.
When you see the poor and homeless
Are you touched with God's compassion?
Or do you see them as worthless,
Is giving and loving not your passion?
By the love that we show for others,
God's word says others will know.
Not just for our church sisters and brothers,
For it's in loving others that our faith will grow.

Words like Water

Some people tell the truth 
But in a cruel and unkind way
Destroying one’s self-worth
Planting seeds with what they say

Some people attack with words
Especially when they’re angry
Pecking at your soul like birds
Scarred raw by the slash of cruelty

Some people pretend to be friends
Yet their hearts are spawned with hate
With a careful word that offends
Lke sharpened swords that berate

Some people have low self-esteem
Chipped away by harsh words of abuse
With a need for God to come and redeem
And break all these strongholds curse

But when your identity of self is secure
Not defined by others or what you lack
You can shake it off with a smile and endure
Just like water off a duck’s smooth back

The Final Encore

Are you ready for your graduation day
As you wait on the setting of the sun
Have you lived a life worth celebrating
Are you proud of the race you’ve run

Have you jumped clear of every hurdle
Gained wisdom from every hard trial
Have you learnt the value from every lesson
Or are you still hiding past hurts in denial

Have you reconciled your old accounts
And brought your past into balance
Has your life been a profit or a loss
Settle your debts with repentance

Have you accepted the path that your life took
Have you made peace with the ghosts of your past
Every darkened valley and detour it took
Hold precious treasures for you that will last 

Has your seasoned heart been blackened by hate
Has it tasted the cold kiss of betrayal
Are you burdened with needless offenses
Still hoarding them all for rebuttal

Don't waste time with not forgiving
Let go of all your hurt and regret
Settle every score in your heart
And calm every worry and fret

For the curtain is calling on your stage of life 
So keep hoping and wishing for more
But accept this blessed life you’ve lived
As you wait on your final encore