Laughter is my Sunshine

Laughter is my sunshine,
It keeps me warm and sane.
It makes my life more bearable,
Even in the rain.

So when the skies are grey and dull,
I let laughter tan my life.
Its rays adjust my focus,
And irons out all my strife.

It shines away my cobwebs,
And makes my future bright.
It helps to grow my spirit,
And gives me clearer sight.

It’s the silver lining in my clouds.
Its power lifts my mood.
I don’t know why or how it works,
But it’s my daily ‘Sunshine’ food.

And when life gets me down,
I use laughter to lift my soul.
I find things to make me laugh,
To take back my mind’s control.

I don’t allow grey weather,
To darken up my mind.
I use laughter as my rainbow,
To bring colours to unwind.

A cheerful heart is good medicine,
For it melts away my pain.
And when I laugh at life and self,
There’s an inner joy I gain.

Laughter oils the hinges in my life,
When I’m creaking under pressure.
It helps to lighten up my load,
And leaves me with a treasure.

A powerful weapon to behold,
When feeling weak and stressed.
It has such tremendous value,
Reminding me that I’m blessed.

So whatever makes me laugh,
And whatever makes me smile.
I’ll seek these things to find,
A life that’s more worthwhile!

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