Life is like a School

Life is like a school,
Whether primary or high.
There are many lessons to be learnt,
And some you can’t deny.

God is our ultimate Principal,
He’s the Head who we must obey.
There are times for serious learning,
But there is also time to play.

We have plenty of time to study,
To practice what we have learnt.
For every test is set to grow us,
And to learn what the answers weren’t.

But our Principal Head has mercy,
He lets us resit the tests that we fail.
Over and over if necessary,
Till we succeed in every detail.

Our aim is to be the best in the class,
To focus on what’s being taught.
To help all our peers along the way,
And give each lesson some thought.

Don’t be tempted to drop-out or cheat,
Or to copy the work off a friend.
You’ll get lots of homework to do,
And your own answers to amend.

So when it’s time to graduate,
We can be sure of a passing grade.
Something of which to be proud of,
And the hope of a heavenly accolade.


  1. Thank you Sam. Definitely true. What mercy there is in having the chance to rewrite the failed tests of life!

  2. Thank you Jelanie for leaving feedback. I agree - God's grace means it doesn't matter how long it takes us to learn the lessons He is trying to teach us...
